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Alaska Air Flight Missing: Search Under Way Over Norton Sound

Alaska Air Flight Missing Search Under Way Over Norton Sound

A tragic and desperate episode took place on February 6, 2025, when a Cessna Caravan operated by Bering Air with a single pilot and 9 passengers crashed during a trip between Unalakleet and Nome, Alaska. The aircraft crashed approximately 12 miles offshore over Norton Sound, and a complete search and rescue campaign was initiated.

Search and Rescue Operations

The U.S. Coast Guard, Alaska State Troopers, and search parties have been working tirelessly in an attempt to locate the missing plane. Nevertheless, their operations have been hindered a lot by poor weather, with poor visibility and rough seas. Despite all these, determination hasn’t wavered, and the use of helicopters, ships, and overflying has continued in a hope of finding any sign of the plane and its passengers.

Community Warnings and Community Response

The disappearance startled communities near and in Unalakleet and Nome. Citizens and family have been holding out for information in hope, and search operations have not abated. Officials have advised citizens not to form search parties for themselves, citing rough seas and dangerous weather as hazards.

Current Status

By now, the plane continues to go missing, and no one knows its status, including that of its passengers. The case continues, with updates to be shared when and if any development comes in during the search for the plane and its passengers.